
Welcome to our section 6 website. It is still under construction but we are in the process of updating it, so make sure you visit from time to time to see what is new.

We aim for this website to be the first place for you to go to find answers to your most common questions. We know we are not there yet, but FAQs are coming soon as well as any other information that may be useful for anyone in our section.

Meanwhile for basic documents and files you can visit the WHOA website: https://thewoodlandsfl.com/ (please note that website is not under our control so if you find any outdated information there or links not working you need to report it to the WHOA directly).

Some of the information on the site is meant for Section Six neighbors only, so you will have to log in or create an account to see it. If you want to know who the section board members are, you can find that information here.